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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000552Other Unix PortFeature Requestpublic2022-05-14 06:47
Reporterdhdurgee Assigned Topsmedley  
Status resolvedResolutionwon't fix 
OSOS/2 or eCSOS Versionvarious 
Summary0000552: NUT 2.4.3 port missing apcsmart driver
DescriptionI am currently using APC's PowerChute Plus for OS/2 version 4.2.3 and was looking for an alternative that could inter-operate with other platforms as this one is not compatible with current APC software, or any other software as far as I can tell.

It was suggested I might consider NUT as a replacement and I was pleased to find your port of this to OS/2 and eCS. Unfortunately as it stands this is not usable to me, as it lacks the driver to talk to my APC Smart-UPS via the serial cable. Given you did this port long ago, I don't know if you could port this for the 2.4.3 release or if it would make more sense to port the current release including this driver as well.
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2012-12-08 08:19

administrator   ~0002361

Where did you find this port? I don't recall porting it, and have no such source on my hard drive.


2012-12-08 08:21

administrator   ~0002362

ok i found the .zip on google.

I don't even remember this one...


2012-12-08 08:22

administrator   ~0002363

note the comment in the readme:
NOT tested as I don't have a UPS. SNMP and usb backends included


2012-12-08 12:15

reporter   ~0002364

I found it on os2site via a search engine. As I have two APC SmartUPS units that connect via serial cables I was hoping that you would be able to port the apcsmart driver that is needed if I wanted to use NUT with them.

Given you no longer have the source I suspect this is not likely to occur. I have no idea how many others would find this package useful, but I suspect someone must have requested you do this port. Perhaps you could add porting the current release to your list of future ports.

As I noted in my initial note, I am at present using APC's PowerChute Plus for OS/2 with these units. It does the job, but lacks compatibility with any other software. As I am working more with linux these days I would like to be able to monitor these UPS systems from there, but as the systems being protected are those OS/2 systems I need either a package that can talk to PC+-OS/2 or a package that can take its place on the OS/2 systems.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2012-12-06 19:01 dhdurgee New Issue
2012-12-08 08:19 psmedley Note Added: 0002361
2012-12-08 08:21 psmedley Note Added: 0002362
2012-12-08 08:22 psmedley Note Added: 0002363
2012-12-08 12:15 dhdurgee Note Added: 0002364
2022-05-14 06:47 psmedley Assigned To => psmedley
2022-05-14 06:47 psmedley Status new => resolved
2022-05-14 06:47 psmedley Resolution open => won't fix