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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000342ISC DHCP Clientpublic2013-04-28 23:37
Reportermckinnis Assigned To 
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Summary0000342: A few re-packaging suggestions
DescriptionYou might want to move the readme files under the \MPTN directory so that they do not unzip to the root.

These files appear to be documentation in man format. Is there any way to get them (and other man files) into a easily readable OS/2 format?

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2009-04-21 11:34

manager   ~0001288

I really hate those man pages too; but I haven't found a tool yet to convert them. Still searching - hope we can find a solution for next version.

As mentioned in the readme, you can find some (older) versions as HTML on


2009-04-21 21:10

reporter   ~0001289

I found a little man to text converter out on Hobbes, but it is old and fails to run correctly.

The simpleman from Hobbes is better then nothing and does not require X11.


2009-04-23 02:57

manager   ~0001294

Ahh, I've used simpleman for a long time - but I still hate it !
(thought everyone knew about that one, though).
Most times I just read these man pages "raw" - but they are a PITA.

About "repackaging", you are right. The readme stuff should go into
/MPTN as the other docs (and those should hopefully be HTML for next version)

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2009-04-20 05:21 mckinnis New Issue
2009-04-21 10:13 psmedley Status new => assigned
2009-04-21 10:13 psmedley Assigned To => Yoda
2009-04-21 11:34 Yoda Note Added: 0001288
2009-04-21 21:10 mckinnis Note Added: 0001289
2009-04-23 02:57 Yoda Note Added: 0001294
2013-04-28 23:37 Yoda Assigned To Yoda =>