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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000316Other Unix PortBugpublic2022-05-14 06:58
Reporterluwa Assigned Topsmedley  
Status resolvedResolutionno change required 
Summary0000316: MediaTomb: Cannot add 'bulk' media
DescriptionI'm using MediaTomb SVN r1995.

I can add single files, but not a whole disk at once, not even a 'super'-directory holding thousands of MP3-files in directories and subdirectories.

On the disk where I have installed MediaTomb I have 5.430 MP3-files in the filesystem, want to add them to the MediaTomb-database. I use the Web-UI.

The MP3-files are organized in a simple three-fold directory-structure:
x:\MyMusic\<artist>\<album>\titel1.mp3, titel2.mp3, ...

In the Web-UI, I click on 'filesystem', then I position cursor on the "MyMusic"-folder and click "+" for adding them all in one "strike". Then this happens: A certain amount of files are added, then an error-message is issued from the server "error: database is locked" and a lot of other messages following after this. Sometimes the server comes down after that, sometimes it remains active, but wouldn't accept any more add's.

No error occurs when I add every album-directory (which is the lowest directory-level) by a separate "+", even when I go one lever higher, to the Artist-directory. But in cases when the artist has many albums (subdirectories) then adding the whole artist at once also triggers the "database is locked"-error.

In my case, the 5.430 MP3-files are dispersed over about 2.100 directories (there are many artists who have only one or two songs). Having to add them all separately, i.e. by a click on the '+' on the album-directory-level would cost me hours and hours of time. So I would very much appreciate if the problem could be solved. Or did I have overseen something in the config.xml ?

Thank you,
Lutz Wagner

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2022-05-14 06:58

administrator   ~0004266

Sorry, I'm no longer maintaining this port.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2009-02-14 00:52 luwa New Issue
2022-05-14 06:58 psmedley Assigned To => psmedley
2022-05-14 06:58 psmedley Status new => resolved
2022-05-14 06:58 psmedley Resolution open => no change required
2022-05-14 06:58 psmedley Note Added: 0004266